MSG of Hope
MSG of Hope
Revelation: Chapters 18-22, Episode #32
This is episode 4 of 4 episodes in which we will be reading through the book of Revelation.
The book of Revelation starts by promising great blessings to the person who reads the words of this message from GOD (Yehovah) and also to those who hear this message and DO what is written in it, and warns us there is not much time left!
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Hello. I'm Jeff. My wife and I host Message of Hope. Message of Hope wants to be your weekly inspirational, motivational and non judgmental friends to help you through your week as we share bottle truth and life experiences to let you know you're not alone. Let's join Sandra to see what message of hope she has today. Hi, I'm Sandra, your host. And for a total of four weeks, we have been reading through the Book of Revelation. This is our fourth and final week. The 1st 3 weeks we read chapters one through 17. Today we're finishing up by reading chapters 18 through 22. I remind you the Book of Revelation starts by promising great blessings to the person who reads the words of this message from God and also to those who hear this message and do what is written in it. And it warns us, there is not much time left today as well as throughout the Siri's. I have not been adding any of my own commentary, as God did not instruct me to, and there is much about the book I've yet to understand. He did instruct that I would be blessed for reading these words and that anyone that hears them and does what is written will also be blessed. So I do this for us both. Let's begin Revelation 18. Then I saw another angel coming down from heaven. This angel had great power. The angels glory made the earth bright! The angels shouted with a powerful voice. She is destroyed. The great city of Babylon is destroyed. She has become a home for demons. That city has become a place for every unclean spirit Toe live. She is a city filled with all kinds of unclean birds. She is a place where every unclean and hated animal lives. All the peoples of the Earth have drunk the wine of her sexual sin and of God's anger. The rulers of the Earth, since sexually with her and the merchants of the world, grew rich from the great wealth of her luxury. Then I heard another voice from heaven's say Come out of that city, my people, so that you will not share in her sins. Then you will not suffer any of the terrible punishment that she will get that city sins are piled up as high as heaven. God has not forgotten the wrongs that she has done give that city the same as she gave to others. Pay her back twice a cz, much as she did prepare wine for her That is twice as strong as the wine that she prepared for others. She gave herself much glory and rich living give her that much suffering and sadness, she says to herself. I am a queen sitting on my throne. I am not a widow. I will never be said so in one day she will suffer Great hunger, morning and death. She will be destroyed by fire because the Lord God, who judges her is powerful. The rulers of the earth who sinned sexually with her and shared her wealth will see the smoke of her burning. They will cry and be sad Because of her death. The rulers will be afraid of her suffering and stand far away. They will say terrible How terrible! Oh, great city! Oh, powerful city of Babylon! Your punishment came in one hour and the merchants of the earth will cry and be sad for her. They will be said because now there is no one to buy the things they sell the gold, the silver jewels, pearls find linen, purple cloth, silk in scarlet cloth, all kinds of citron wood and all kinds of things made from ivory. Expensive wood, bronze, iron and marble. They also sell cinnamon, spice, incense, frankincense, mur wine, olive oil, fine flour, wheat, cattle, sheep, horses, carriages and slaves. Yes, even human lives. The merchants will cry and say, Oh, Babylon, the good things you wanted have left you all your rich and fancy things have disappeared. You will never have them again. The merchants will be afraid of her suffering and will stand far away from her. They are the ones who became rich from selling those things to her. They will cry and be sad. They will say terrible. How terrible for the Great City She was dressed in fine linen. She wore purple and scarlet cloth. She was shining with gold jewels and pearls. All these riches have been destroyed in one hour every sea captain, All those who travel on ships, the sailors and all those who earn money from the sea stood far away from Babylon. They saw the smoke from her burning. They cried out. There was never a city like this great city. They threw dust on their heads and cried loudly to show the deep sorrow they felt. They said Terrible. How terrible for the Great City. All those who had ships on the sea became rich because of her wealth. But she has been destroyed in one hour. Be happy because of this. Oh, heaven be happy. God's holy people and apostles and profits. God has punished her because of what she did to you. Then a powerful angel picked up a large rock. This rock was as big as a large millstone The angel through the rock into the sea and said, This is how the great City of Babylon will be thrown down. It will never be found again. Oh, Babylon! The music of people playing harps and other instruments, flutes and trumpets will never be heard in you again. No worker doing any job will ever be found in you again. The sound of a millstone will never be heard in you again The light of the lamp will never shine in you again The voices of the bride room and broad will never be heard in you again. Your merchants were the world's great people. All the nations were tricked by your magic. You are guilty of the death of the profits of God's holy people and of all those who have been killed on earth. Revelation 19 After this, I heard what sounded like a large crowd of people in heaven. The people were saying, Hallelujah! Victory, glory and power belong to our God. His judgments are true and right. Our God has punished the prostitute. She is the one who ruined the earth with her sexual sin. God has punished the prostitute to pay her back for the death of his servants. These people also said Howell Ouya She is burning and her smoke will rise forever and ever. Then the 24 elders and the four living beings bowed down. They worshipped God who sits on the throne. They said, Amen! Hallelujah! Then a voice came from the throne and said, Praise our god, all you who serve him Praise our God, all you small and great who honor him. Then I heard something that sounded like a large crowd of people. It was as loud as crashing waves or claps of thunder. The people were saying Hallelujah, our Lord God rules He is the all powerful Let us rejoice and be happy and give God glory. Give God glory because the wedding of the lamb has come and the Lambs bride has made herself ready. Fine linen was given to the bride for her to wear. The linen was bright and clean. The fine linen means the good things that God's holy people did. Then the angels said to me, Right this great blessings belong to those who are invited to the wedding meal of the lamb. Then the angel said, These are the true words of God. Then I bowed down before the angels feet toe worship him. But the angel said to me, Don't worship me. I am a servant like you and your brothers and sisters who have the truth of Jesus so worship God because the truth of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Then I saw Heaven open there before me was a white horse. The writer on the horse was called faithful and true because he is right in his judging and in making war. His eyes were like burning fire. He had many crowns on his head. A name was written on him. But he was the only one who knew its meaning. He was dressed in a robe, dipped in blood and he was called the word of God. The armies of heaven were following the rider on the white horse. They were also rotting white horses. They were dressed in fine linen, white and clean. A sharp sword came out of the riders mouth a sword that he would use to defeat the nations. And he will rule the nations with a rod of iron. He will crush the grapes in the wine press of the terrible anger of God, all powerful on his robe. And on his leg was written this name King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Then I saw an angel standing in the sun in a loud voice. The angel said to all the birds flying in this guy Come together for the great supper of God come together so that you can eat the bodies of rulers and army commanders and famous men come to eat the bodies of the horses and their riders and the bodies of all people. Free slave, small and great. Then I saw a beast and the rulers of the Earth. Their armies were gathered together to make war against the rider on the horse and his army. But the beast was captured and the false prophet was also captured. He was the one who did the miracles for the beast. He had used these miracles to trick those who had the mark of the beast and worshipped. It's idle. The false Prophet and the beast were thrown alive into the lake of fire. That burns was sulfur. Their armies were killed and the sword that came out of the mouth of the rider on the horse. All the birds ate these bodies until they were full. Revelation 20. I saw an angel coming down out of heaven. The angel had the key to the bottomless pit. The angel held a large chain in its hand. The angel grabbed the dragon. That old snake, also known as the devil or Satan. The angel tied the dragon with the chain for 1000 years, Then the angel through the dragon into the bottomless pit and closed it. The angel locked it over the dragon. The angel did this so that the dragon could not tricked the people of the earth until the 1000 years were ended. After 1000 years, the dragon must be made free for a short time. Then I saw some Thrones and people setting on them. These were the ones who had been given the power to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been killed because they were faithful to the truth of Jesus and the message from God. They did not worship the beast or it's idle. They did not receive the mark of the beast on their foreheads or on their hands. They came back to life and ruled with Christ for 1000 years. The rest of the dead did not live again until the 1000 years were ended. This is the first resurrection. Great blessings belong to those who share in the first resurrection. They are God's holy people. The second death has no power over them. They will be priest for God and for Christ. And they will rule with him for 1000 years. When the 1000 years are ended, Satan will be made free from his prison. He will go out to trick the nation's in all the earth. The nation's known is gog and Magog. Satan will gather the people for battle. There will be more people than anyone can count. Like sand on the seashore. I saw Satan's army march across the earth and gather around the camp of God's people and the city that God loves. But fire came down from heaven and destroyed Satan's army. And he, the one who tricked these people, was thrown into the lake of burning Sulphur with the beast and the false prophet. There they would be tortured day and night, forever and ever. Then I saw a large white throne. I saw the one who was sitting on the throne. Earth and sky ran away from him and disappeared, and I saw those who had died great and small. Standing before the throne. Some books were opened and another book was opened, The Book of Life. The people were judged by what they had done, which were written in the books. The sea gave up. The dead who were in it death and Haiti's gave up the dead who were in them. All these people were judged by what they had done, and death and Haiti's were thrown into the lake of fire. The Lake of Fire is the second death. And anyone whose name was not found written in the Book of Life was thrown into the Lake of Fire. Revelation 21. Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The first heaven and the first earth had disappeared. Now there was no see and I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God. It was prepared like a broad dressed for her husband. I heard a loud voice from the throne. It said. Now God's home is with the people. He will live with them. They will be his people. God himself will be with them and will be their god. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, sadness, crying or pain. All the old ways are gone. The one who was sitting on the throne said, Look, I am making everything new. Then he said, right this because thes words are true and can be trusted, the one on the throne said to me, it is finished. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. I will give free water from the spring of the Water of Life to anyone who is thirsty. All those who win the victory will receive all this and I will be their god and they will be my Children. But those who are cowards those who refused to be leave those who do terrible things. Those who kill those who send sexually those who do evil magic Those who worship idols and those who tell lies. They will all have a place in the lake of Burning Sulphur. This is the second death. One of the seven Angels came to me. This was one of the angels who had the seven bowls of the seven last place. The angel said, Come with me. I will show you the bride and the wife of the lamb. The angel carried me away by the spirit to a very large and high mountain. The angel showed me the holy city Jerusalem. The city was coming down out of heaven from God. The city was shining with the glory of God. It was shining bright, like a very expensive Jule. Like a jasper. It was as clear as crystal. The city had a large high wall with 12 gates. There were 12 angels at the gates. On each gate was written the name of one of the 12 tribes of Israel. There were three gates on the east, three gates on the north, three gates on the south and three gates on the west. The walls of the city were built on 12 foundation stones. On the stones were written the names of the 12 apostles of the lamb. The angel who talked with me had a measuring rod made of gold. The angel had this rod to measure the city, its gates and its wall. The city was built in a square. Its length was equal to its With the angel measured the city with the rod. The city was 12,000 stati of long 12,000 stati a wide and 12,000 stati a high. The angel also measured the wall. It was 144 cubits high. The angel was using the same measurement that people use. The wall was made of Jasper, the city made of pure gold as pure as glass. The foundation stones of the city walls had every kind of expensive jewels in them. The first foundation stone was Jasper, the Second sapphire, The third channel. Sidani. Forgive me if that's wrong. The fourth was emerald. The fifth was Onyx. The six was carnelian. The seventh was yellow courts. The eighth was barrel. The ninth was toe pez. The 10th was crystal praise. The 11th was Jackson, and the 12th was an ethicist. The 12 gates were 12 pearls. Each gate was made from one pearl. The street of the city was made of pure gold as clear as glass. I did not see a temple in the city. The Lord God, all powerful and the lamb were the city's temple. The city did not need the sun or the moon to shine on it. The glory of God gave the city light. The lamb waas the city's lamp. The peoples of the world will walk by the light given by the lamb, the rulers of the earth. We'll bring their glory into the city. The city's gates will never close on any day because there is no night there. Their greatness and the honor of the nations will be brought into the city. Nothing unclean will ever enter the city. No one who does shameful things or tails lies will ever enter the city. Only those whose names are written in The Lamb's Book of Life will enter the city. Revelation 22 The Angel showed me the river of the water of life clear as crystal. The river flows from the throne of God and the lamb. It flows down the middle of the street of the city. The tree of life is on each side of the river, and it produces fruit every month, 12 times a year. The leaves of the tree are for healing the nations. Nothing that God judges guilty will be there in that city, the throne of God and the lamb will be in the city. God's servants will worship him. They will see his face. God's name will be written on their foreheads. There will never be night again. People will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun. The Lord God will give them light, and they were world like kings forever and ever. Then the angel said to me, These words are true and can be trusted. The Lord, the god of the spirits of the profits, has sent his angel to show his servants What must happen soon? Listen, I am coming soon. Great blessings belong to the one who obeys the words of the prophecy. In this book I am John. I am the one who heard and saw these things. After I heard and saw them I bow down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed them to me. But the angel said to me, Don't worship me. I am a servant like you and your brother's the profits. I am a servant like those who obey the words in this book. You should worship God. Then the angel told me. Don't keep secret The words of prophecy in this book the time is near for these things to happen. Lead Anyone who is doing wrong continued to do wrong Lead Anyone who is unclean continue to be unclean. Let anyone who is doing right continued to do right. Let anyone who is holy continued to be holy. Listen, I am coming soon I will bring rewards with me. I will repay everyone for what they have done. I am the Alfa and the Omega. The first and the last, The beginning and the end. Great blessings belong to those who have washed their robes. They will have the right to eat the food from the tree of life. They can go through the gates into the city. Outside the city are all those who live like dogs, those who do evil magic, those who sin sexually, those who murder those who worship idols and those who loved to lie and pretend to be good. I, Jesus, have sent my angel to tell you these things for the churches. I am the descendant from the family of David. I am the bright morning star. The spirit and the bride say Come. Everyone who hears this should also say Come, All who are thirsty may come. They can have the water of life as a free gift if they want it. I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy in this book. If anyone adds anything to these, God will give that person the plagues written about in this book. And if anyone takes away from the words of this book of prophecy, God will take away that person share of the Tree of Life and of the Holy City, which are written about in this book. Jesus is the one who says that all of this is true now he says. Yes, I am coming. Soon a men come, Lord Jesus, the grace of the Lord Jesus be with all people. Amen. That concludes chapters 18 through 22 also completes the reading of the Book of Revelation. Be proud of yourself for finishing Listening to the Book of Revelation. As I will remind you, once again, God promised If you listen and do what it says, you will be blessed As I wrap up here today. I encourage you to go to our website at M s, G o f h o p e dot com And on the podcast head, you will find Episode 32 where you can re listen to this podcast and find the references for the scriptures we read together today so that you can study them for yourself and make any adjustments according to what God alone lays on your specific cart. The whole Book of Revelation can be found on episodes 29 2 32 And as always, we thank you for listening to our podcasts and for helping us to share the good news. of Jesus Christ by liking and sharing with your friends. Now, as I log off, I want to bless you with a prayer given to the sons of Aaron. Ready? Let's pray The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace until next time. Shalom.